
Welcome to STScI's Hubble Space Telescope Documentation – "HDox".  Powered by Confluence, HDox pages offer improved search capabilities and a new look and feel. The following documents are available:


To learn about the instruments:

  • ACS Instrument Handbook ios免费版ⅴpn– Advanced Camera for Surveys
  • COS Instrument Handbook ios挂梯子教程 – Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
  • STIS Instrument Handbook ios免费版ⅴpn – Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  • WFC3 Instrument Handbook [PDF] – Wide Field Camera 3
  • FGS Instrument Handbook [PDF] – Fine Guidance Sensor


To prepare your proposal:

  • ios昆特牌怎么辨别自己在国服还是国际服 NGA玩家社区:2021-2-1 · ios昆特牌怎么辨别自己在国服还是国际服 改版前的老玩家,后来很长一段时间没玩过昆特牌 一直玩的是国际服,ios出来后回归,刚开始听说国际服账号第一次登陆ios国服会直接转回国服,就按教程改了系统语言登陆了国际服在玩,几天后忘了这回事,没修改系统语言就登陆了ios昆特牌,目前状态是 ..., including the:
    • Hubble Space Telescope Call for Proposals for Cycle 28


To prepare your Phase II submission for accepted proposals:

  • HST Phase II Proposal Instructions Home


  • 卡普空TEPPEN国服怎么下载 国服IOS安卓下载教程[视频]_游戏:2021-7-7 · 卡普空TEPPEN国服ios安卓下载教程 ios用户 游戏在今早开放ios跟安卓双端的下载,苹果用户首先要注册一个海外的appstore账号,注册成功众后打appstore商店,苹果的商城主界面会跟玩家登陆ip选择国家挂钩,挂好梯子众后点击搜索框输入“Teppen”即可找到游戏下载入口,下载安装即可。
  • ACS Data Handbook [PDF] – Advanced Camera for Surveys
  • COS Data Handbook [PDF] – Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
  • STIS Data Handbook [PDF] – Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  • WFC3 Data Handbook [PDF] – Wide Field Camera 3
  • FGS Data Handbook 搭梯子iphone教程 – Fine Guidance Sensor


To align, process, and combine your HST images:

  • The DrizzlePac Handbook


Additional HST documentation, news, and technical reports are available at:

  • http://www.stsci.edu/hst/documentation
    • http://www.stsci.edu/hst/documentation/handbook-archive
  • ios免费版ⅴpn
    • http://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation – detailed information on each HST instrument
  • http://www.stsci.edu/scientific-community/software/ – APT, ETC, and DrizzlePac
  • HST Observatory Brochure including pocket guides for each instrument (Spring 2024) [PDF]


If you have questions, please contact us. We encourage users to access the web portal, which offers new features:

  • iphone可众用的梯子
    • Read Knowledge Base articles that address Frequently Asked Questions
    • Search all HDox pages and Knowledge Base articles for answers
    • 搭建梯子详细教程(科学上网)_搬瓦工VPS_美国VPS:2021-3-4 · 手把手安装梯子教程教程到这里就结束了,上面的截图都是我一步一步走下来截取的,希望能帮助到大家。 未经允许不得转载:搬瓦工VPS_美国VPS » 搭建梯子详细教程(科学上网)
  • help@stsci.edu
    • Questions may also still be submitted via e-mail